The Future Project is on the Epic Games Store



I have a short, but nonetheless important, update for you all today. The Future Project will be releasing on the Epic Games Store alongside the Steam version! Now you have two options for where to play the game on PC. In terms of content, the Epic Games Store has all the same trailers and screenshots as Steam. It is, at the end of the day, an alternative storefront to pick the game up from. Both versions of the game will have the same content by the time the game releases, so it's ultimately a matter of preference where you get the game from.

In addition, I have narrowed down when the game is set to release. I still don't have a hard date for you, but I at least know when we can expect it. The Future Project is set to release in Q3 of this year! In other words, it should be releasing anytime between this coming July through September. That's not too far off! I'll do my best to give a more exact release date as soon as I'm able. But for now, this at least gives you an idea of when to expect the final release. As always, wishlists are greatly appreciated. By wishlisting you'll know exactly when the game goes live, and my ego gets inflated when I see numbers go up. We both win!

That's all I have for today. The usual monthly dev blog is still set to go live on June 1st, so if you simply can't get enough Future Project information, it won't be much longer before you get some more. I hope you look forward to it.

Until next time!

-Lance T.


Creating Achievements


The Bug Squashing Process